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Returns, Exchanges, and Guarantee Policy

Returns and Satisfaction Guarantee:

You may return new and unused items within 30 days of the last items delivery for a full refund with no reason required. For example, if you have 5 items in your order, you can return any item up to 30 days after the last item is delivered.  

We will also pay the cost of return shipping if the return is a result of our error (if you received an incorrect or defective item). After 30 days, we unfortunately do not offer refunds under any circumstances.

Returned items for a full refund must be unworn and unwashed. If the item appears to have been worn or if the tags have been removed, it will not be eligible for return.

You should expect your refund within 3 days of your return being received.

To begin your return process, please email us at with your request and reason for the return (preference or defect).

If your packages experience a delay beyond 60 days from order, we offer a full refund on those packages.  We may also offer a partial refund for packages delayed beyond 50 days if the tracking shows to be moving on the USPS network.

Exchanges: If you would like to exchange an item, please request a return label to  Once the package is received, we will issue a full refund so you can re-order a different size/style.